ABS Photo Gallery

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Buddhism is a nontheistic religion[citation needed] that encompasses a variety of traditions, beliefs and practices largely based on teachings attributed to Siddhartha Gautama, who is commonly known as the Buddha, meaning “the awakened one”. According to Buddhist tradition, the Buddha lived and taught in the eastern part of the Indian subcontinent sometime between the 6th and 4th centuries BCE.[1] He is recognized by Buddhists as an awakened or enlightened teacher who shared his insights to help sentient beings end their suffering through the elimination of ignorance and craving by way of understanding and the seeing of dependent origination, with the ultimate goal of attainment of the sublime state of nirvana


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ABS Temple _ Kathina Ceremony 2017

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ABS Temple Kathina Ceremony 2017 _ Part II

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ABS Temple Kathina Ceremony 2016 – Friends Caught on Camera

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ABS Temple Kathina Ceremony October 2016 – Kathina Robe Offering & Buddha Puja

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ABS Temple Kathina Ceremony 2016 – Dana and Robe Offering in the Morning

82 new photos · Album by Abs Temple

ABS Temple Kathina Ceremony 2016 – Procession of the Kathina Robe

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ABS Temple Vesak Celebration 2016

108 new photos · Album by Abs Temple

ABS Annual Children’s Day 2015

52 new photos · Album by Abs Temple

ABS Temple Kathina Ceremony 2015

287 new photos · Album by Abs Temple

Closing Day of Six Month Blessing Ceremony. 6-28-2015

191 new photos · Album by Abs Temple

ABS Vesak Celebration 5/3/2015

177 new photos · Album by Abs Temple

Sri Lankan New Year Blessing Ceremony – 2015

89 new photos · Album by Abs Temple

ABS New Year Blessing Ceremony – 1/1/2015

58 new photos · Album by Abs Temple

Uduwap Full Moon Poya Puja 12/7/2014

42 new photos · Album by Abs Temple

2014 Walk to Feed the Hungry in Sacramento Team at ABS Temple

32 new photos · Album by Abs Temple

Kathina Ceremony, Day Service – October 26, 2014

185 new photos · Album by Abs Temple

Kathina Ceremony, Evening Service – October 25, 2014

79 new photos · Album by Abs Temple

Wednesday afternoon in West Sacramento

13 new photos · Album by Abs Temple

Poya and Sramadana / Demolishing old structure

53 new photos · Album by Abs Temple

Srama Dana at Temple 2014-10-07

31 new photos · Album by Abs Temple

Vap/October Poya Puja – 10/04/2014

37 new photos · Album by Abs Temple

Practice of sharing

25 new photos · Album by Abs Temple

Annual ABS Food Fair Festival – 9/20/2014

44 new photos · Album by Abs Temple

Binara Full Moon Service – 9/6/2014

41 new photos · Album by Abs Temple

Collecting for Garage Sale

12 new photos · Album by Abs Temple

Nee & Vincent’s Visit to ABS Temple 08/04/2014

39 new photos · Album by Abs Temple

Under the ABS Bodhi Tree

13 new photos · Album by Abs Temple

Esala Full Moon Poya Puja – Vas Aradhana – 2014

40 new photos · Album by Abs Temple

Poson Full Moon Poya Puja – Special Atavisi Buddha Puja 6/14/2014

77 new photos · Album by Abs Temple

BCNC Vesak at JSC Berkeley 2014

90 new photos · Album by Abs Temple

Vesak Celebration 2014

163 new photos · Album by Abs Temple

Bak Full Moon Poya Puja 2014-04-19

23 new photos · Album by Abs Temple

Sri Lankan Traditional New Year Celebration 2014.04.12

40 new photos · Album by Abs Temple

Vincent’s Family in Sac’to

12 new photos · Album by Abs Temple

Puerto Rico – 2014

120 new photos · Album by Abs Temple

Navam Full Moon Poya Puja (Atavisi) & Opening of New Ran Weta (Golden Fence) around the Bodhi Tree !

33 new photos · Album by Abs Temple

Bhante’s Visit to India 2013

239 new photos · Album by Abs Temple

New Year Blessing & Dana Ceremony 2014-01-01

43 new photos · Album by Abs Temple

Images from India

207 new photos added to shared album

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